+ SKY3 +
RATED R [18+] FOR:

[THEY/THEM]+ just your average werewolf skater witch doing a kickflip off a tombstone in your dreams +email: skyeblueillustrated [at] gmail.com
patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SKY3
picarto: https://picarto.tv/SKY3
furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/SKY3

coming soon [until then, please feel free to browse my FA, twitter, or even Patreon if you're feeling generous~]

[ ~ 8x10" @ 300dpi ]

[ ~ 9x12" @ 300dpi ]
★ [base pricing is for a single character full body piece w/o a background]
ADDITIONAL CHARACTERS [max 2] - Base price per character
BACKGROUNDS - $50-$200 [depending on complexity]
SEQUENCES - [Base Price + Extras] x No. of Images [max 4]
NSFW - $13Looking for a quote? Email me!
TOS: Terms Of Service

Terms of ServiceCommissioned works discussed in this agreement are for non-commercial uses, and shall be treated as such. Individual contracts will be written when art is commissioned for commercial (for-profit) uses.Upon accepting the client's commission, the client may expect a sketch WIP of their piece within one to two weeks depending on the artist's current workload. Excessive WIP requests/multiple sketch passes may be subject to an additional fee.After the client has approved their sketch, the artist will continue to work on their piece. The artist will typically send another update to approve colors before finishing, but this is not always the case. The time to complete a piece once it's been sketched can vary, but typically most commissions are completed within about a month.Errors that are the artist's mistake (were present in your references/description but were accidentally overlooked etc.) can be fixed free of charge even after commission has been completed. (ex: wrong eye color, forgot to add an item of apparel, etc.) These errors will be fixed ASAP. The client must notify the artist within reasonable time of completion, and any request up to 1 week after final file delivery may be declined. Changes that were not present in the client's original reference/description or alternate versions of the commissioned piece are subject to additional fees.In commissioning the artist, the client is purchasing their labor only. The artist will retain full rights to all work produced under and prefaced by these terms, unless otherwise agreed upon explicitly and fully paid for via drafted and signed contract.
The artist does not claim ownership of any intellectual property (characters, etc.) depicted in commissioned work done unless otherwise stated (for example: Intellectual property created by the artist and requested by the client). The artist does retain full rights to all images produced and may showcase art produced online and elsewhere. The artist may use images in portfolios, sketchbook collections, as commission examples, and all other forms of self-promotion, as well as include the pieces in future art packs.If a client wishes to remain anonymous, their name can be omitted from postings online.Individual clients are not entitled to receive a raw scan, .PSD, or any other file containing the layers of the work without extra payment. If payment is given to receive raw or PSD files, client is not authorized to make changes to those files and post them (i.e. recoloring to other characters).
The client may never claim work done under this contract as their own, redistribute it, or use it for any external commercial project. Non-commercial projects (for example, making prints of commissioned art but not-for-profit) must be discussed with the artist beforehand to confirm no profit will come from the artist's work to the client.Watermarks or signatures, when present, are not to be removed, erased, cropped out, or edited in any way. If an image must be cropped or shrunk (for use in a profile, avatar, background, etc) credit must be listed in a visible area in a readable font with appropriate link(s) included (i.e. on twitter credit may be given in the user's bio).